2024 (IT/TN)
a project by CORPS CITOYEN
with: Rabii Brahim, Manuel D'Onofrio
direction: Anna Serlenga
dramaturg: Tolja Djokovic
choreography: Hafiz Dhaou and Aicha M’Barek
light design: Manuel D'Onofrio
music: Manuel D’Onofrio e Rabii Brahim
dramaturg: Tolja Djokovic, Rabii Brahim e fragments freely taken from Bayo Akomolafe, Anna Akhmatova, Mahmoud Darwish, Niccolò Macchiavelli, Forough Farrokhazad
costum designer: Lucia Gallone
production: Alessandra Di Pilato
Producers/co-producers: CORPS CITOYEN, BASE Milano, Operaestate; Milano Mediterranea
with the support of Archive Milano e Zona K
Out of place, a-topos, déplacée. A presence out of place, "always in the wrong place" in the words of Edward Said, which finds no space either at origin or at landing. This condition of being a-topos according to Abdelmalek Sayad is one of the recurrent characteristics of the migratory experience, which configures a perception of self in the "double absence" between the place of origin and the place of landing. Barrani in Tunisian is the foreigner, literally 'the one from outside (el barra)', the one who undertook the journey to Europe. This research performance is dedicated to all of us, the diaspora generation, non-native European citizens. Nostalgia, exile, the mother tongue are some of the colors of a journey in a non-linear time, where presence is twofold and connected, memory a refuge and the body an archive of gestural rituals that makes you feel at home.